Get Involved
We are always looking for enthusiastic people to help care for the different aspects of our work. If you have time and skills to contribute, give us a call at 360-678-5586 or email us and we'll match your gifts with our needs.
Ongoing Volunteer Needs
Event Ambassador
If you like talking to people, event ambassadors help out at events by talking about the work Pacific Rim and the progress we've made in our restoration efforts and other ongoing projects.
There is much to photograph or video on our site including birds, coyotes, insects, prairie, savanna, forest, buildings, educational events, workshops, restoration work and more! If you have a particular interest or skill we can connect you with the right people, place and time of year! For the wildlife, come out anytime!
Plenty of work goes into the enhancement and expansion of native prairie, savanna and forest. Throughout the year one or more of the following activities are available for your involvement and education:
native plant seed collection, cleaning and processing
out-planting bulbs, rhizomes, forbs, grasses, shrubs and trees
summer watering of newly planted shrubs/trees in their first year
nursery bed planting and maintenance
growing and maintaining native plants in the greenhouse and shade area
With about 50 buildings, machines, the greenhouse, and fencing, we always have something in need of repair. We also have maintenance and repair work associated with some of our projects.
Volunteer Events
Get out in early May with our Prairie Days. Prairie days encourage new and returning visitors to see the changes to the prairie during peak camas and golden paintbrush bloom.
June - August
Seed collection. During the summer months, take some time to enjoy the sunshine and collect native seeds in our prairie or at our native plant center. Contact us to receive notifications for when we collect seeds.
Don't miss any news regarding our Whidbey Island Cider Festival by signing up for our Newsletter. There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities involved with an event this large.
Some of the volunteer opportunities include:
Cider Store - Selling bottles of cider in teams of 2
Ticket Sales and ID Checks - Selling day-of tickets and checking ids before supplying 21+ guests with a wristband
Bouncer - Ensure that everyone entering the tasting area has a wristband
Children's Activities - Assist with children's activities
Set-up - Assisting in setting up the temporary fence and the stage the day before, and on the day of assisting in setting up signs, tents, and tables.
Break-down - Assisting in breaking down and cleaning up after the event.